Jerry's Briesath’s Famous Pool School
Do you shoot pool well one night and very poorly the next? Have you reached a plateau where you practice and play regularly without visible improvement? Is your cue ball control as consistent as you think it should be for the years you've been playing? Or you may be a novice player that doesn't realize that a few days of good coaching can get your skill level to a very satisfactory level 20 times faster than trying to teach yourself.
If you can relate to any of the above, The Pool School is for you. These pool lessons are taught by PBIA MASTER INSTRUCTOR, Jerry Briesath, an internationally recognized authority on Pool Billiards who was named by the BCA as "The Dean of Master Instructor's" and for more than three decades has been recognized as the nation's top instructor.
The Pool School Has 2 Locations
Please contact Jerry at: (608) 279-9994
Winter Location:
Bull Shooters Billiards
Phoenix, AZ
Summer Location:
The Brass Ring
Madison, WI